Wednesday, December 30, 2009

the rhythm of our ministry

  • Monday:  Readings and Musicians Roster for the coming Sunday gets sent out to the group.  Team reviews the roster to see what is needed.
  • Wednesday: Music Pickers for the month (there's a monthly rotation of 2 people from the team) sends out the music selection for the coming Sunday and in preparation for Thursday practice.  Music selection is also sent to the priests to get their feedback.
  • Thursday: Practice at 7:30pm.  If Music Pickers are available, they will share why they chose the music.
  • Sunday: Practice at 5pm.  There's usually folks who arrive at 4:30 to start set-up. Prelude music starts at 6:55pm.  Mass at 7pm.
  • Faith Sharing Night
  • Quarterly Team Meeting
  • Weekend Music Retreat (Heart Of Worship Music Retreat)
  • some of us attend the Christian Music Summit
  • participate at Cafe Newman
  • benefit concert (2 in 2007, 1 in 2008, 1 in 2009)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

In our journey to live a life in faith...

In our journey to live a life in faith, we encounter trials that test our faith.

The suffering we encounter in our life leads us to empty deserts in our hearts where separation from God can begin and we need to watch out for this.

In Matthew 4 -- "Then Jesus was led by the Spirit out into the desert to be put to the test by the devil."

The passage points to a character of God that leads even his only son to a place of temptation. But notice that He is not the one doing the tempting but rather it is the devil. This is a fascinating point to connect with The Lord's Prayer -- "Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil"

Now let's go back to what Jesus does to survive the temptations from the devil.

1 Then Jesus was led by the Spirit out into the desert to be put to the test by the devil.
2 He fasted for forty days and forty nights, after which he was hungry,
3 and the tester came and said to him, 'If you are Son of God, tell these stones to turn into loaves.'
4 But he replied, 'Scripture says: Human beings live not on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'
5 The devil then took him to the holy city and set him on the parapet of the Temple.
6 'If you are Son of God,' he said, 'throw yourself down; for scripture says: He has given his angels orders about you, and they will carry you in their arms in case you trip over a stone.'
7 Jesus said to him, 'Scripture also says: Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'
8 Next, taking him to a very high mountain, the devil showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendour.
9 And he said to him, 'I will give you all these, if you fall at my feet and do me homage.'
10 Then Jesus replied, 'Away with you, Satan! For scripture says: The Lord your God is the one to whom you must do homage, him alone you must serve.'
11 Then the devil left him, and suddenly angels appeared and looked after him.

Notice how the devil quotes scripture right after Jesus proclaims that human beings live not on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.

Yet, Jesus does not fall into this trap!

Let us learn from this... and contemplate where we are being led by God to the desert places in our faith journey to be tested by the devil.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Below is the song list for the Fourth Sunday of Advent - Reflection from EWTN

Prelude: God With Us (Emmanuel) - MercyMe
Opening:  O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (BB, 36)
Psalm:  Psalm 80 - Lord, make us turn to you; Let us see your face and we shall be saved
Gospel Acc.: Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord.  May it be done to me according to your word
Preparation: Holy Is His Name - John Michael Talbot (BB, 711)
Communion:  Ready The Way - Curtis Stephan (BB, 67)
Meditation: Let It Be Done Unto Me - Danielle Rose   
Closing: Your Grace Is Enough - Matt Maher (SS2)

In memory of Fr. Tom

He inspired us so much to live a life in service of the Lord.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

What is our job?

I was talking to a fellow music minister last Friday and I got a chance to explain to him what I thought of our job as music ministers.  

My one metaphor is karaoke.    

We are doing our job well when we become invisible but audible enough to allow the congregation to sing out loud -- to pray out loud -- to sway with the music -- to connect with the prayer that is in their hearts.  In order to do our job well, we need enough practice so that the music we play does not distract. We need to pick music that the rest of the congregation can sing and be moved. Note that not all congregations are the same.  

So ask, 
make friends 
and be involved with your congregation 

so that you can pick music that resonates with them

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

NewWorldSon @ Christian Music Summit

It was great to hear everyone singing along...

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Rejoice in the Lord always!

Songs for the Third Sunday of Advent...

Readings:      Third Sunday of Advent

Prelude:         It Came Upon A Midnight Clear (BB, p90)
Opening:        O Come O Come Emmanuel (BB, p36)
Psalm:           Cry Out With Joy (Isaiah) - Josh Blakesley (SS2, p289)
Gospel Acc.:  The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor.
Preparation:   We Shall Prepare (SS2, p294)
Communion:   All That Is Hidden - Bernadette Farrel (BB, 518)
Meditation:     Sacred Silence
Closing:         Every Valley - Bob Dufford (BB, p71)

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Prepare the way of the Lord

Here are the songs for this Second Sunday of Advent 

Prelude:         I Wish You Jesus    (PP)
Opening:        Emmanuel - Angrisano  (BB, p53)
Psalm:           Psalm 126: The Lord Has Done Great Thing - (BB, p822)
Preparation:    Come, Watch and Wait (BB, p66)
Communion:   O Come O come Emmanuel (BB, p36)
Meditation:     Mary, Did You Know? by Jesse Manibusan 
Closing:          Ready the Way -  (BB, p 67)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Lead It Like You Mean It

My last post was from the CMS@Overlake session "Worshiping in Brokenness". This post continues with my notes and additional thoughts of my own from the session "Lead It Like You Mean It" lead by Overlake's own Worship Leader, Jesse Butterworth.

Jesse began by asking who had read the book "Worship Matters" by Bob Kauflin, and urged everyone who hadn't to add it to their reading list. He had eight main points to share with the group on leading worship; they are:
1. Let the Holy Spirit Lead
2. Lead by Example
3. Lead to the Throne
4. Lead with Authority
5. Lead with Authenticity
6. Lead with Passion
7. Lead with Humility
8. Lead in Your Strength

1. Let the Holy Spirit Lead:
* Before any worship related activity, in prayer, beg God to lead. "More of You, less of me."
* Remember to bring God into planning sessions and rehearsals too.

2. Lead by Example:
* Be a "permission giver". As worship leaders, by our prompting and our example we are giving the assembly permission to do what it is you are leading them to do - sing, shout, dance, clap hands, raise hands, whisper, cry, and keep silent.
* You should not only verbally give instructions, e.g. "clap your hands", but the team nees to do by example. When the worship leader leads the assembly to do something, the rest of the team needs to be attentive to that and follow suite too - give them permission to follow too.
* God cares about the quality of _worship_, not the quality of music.
* God doesn't call everybody into leadership positions.

3. Lead to the Throne:
* As we lead people to the throne of grace, as much as possible, eliminate distractions so as to make straight the path way for the assembly to approach and dwell in God's presence.
* Powerpoint projectionists need to be rehearsed, prepared and vigilant.
* Look out for typos in projected lyrics.
* Worship leaders do verbal callouts for the team and Powerpoint projectionists to follow.
* (Jesse suggested checking out the web application, "" to help with planning and team coordination).
* Rehearse - goes without saying. The more comfortable you are with what you're doing, the freer you will be to lead and worship yourself.
* For rehearsals, have the team show up prepared:
- listen to how exactly you want the songs to sound/be arranged by sending MP3s or links to Internet resources like Even if that's not how you'll end up singing the song, at least you start on the same page and you can evolve together in rehearsal.
* Learn the concept of "Complementary Keys". He asked us to Google it and the phrase "Circle of 5ths". Here's a link to one of the web pages I found useful:
* Too much talking between songs can have people disengage.
* You carry the banner of your church, your ministry and Jesus everywhere you go. How you behave and look outside church is just as important as in church. As a leader up in front, people recognize you even if you don't them.
* Wardrobe: "Ladies we don't want to see you b**bs", so be mindful of your cleavage, midriff, and hemline. Men, watch what's on your T-shirt: some T-shirt messages and band names are inappropriate.

4. Lead with Authority:
* If we're not leading, then we're just a performing band or doing karaoke. You need to lead with authority so that people can follow.
* Authority does not equal dictatorship. Don't do "Bad Dog" preaching.
* Be "Seeker Intelligible/Sensitive". You don't know who walks through those doors on any given day, give directives for people who are new to your church, don't assume that everyone knows what to do just because we've been doing it all along. e.g. in the Catholic mass: when to kneel, stand or sit.

5. Lead with Authenticity:
* Don't always have to put on your "Sunday Face". Not everyday is a sunny day in Seattle :)
* If you're authentic, you give permission to others to be also.
* People can sniff out inauthenticity .

6. Lead with Passion:
* Ask yourself honestly, is leading worship something you're passionate about?
* People are going to question you, even flame you at times; stay focused on God and His anointing of you to do this.
* Again, if you're passionate up front, it gives permission to the assembly to be passionate.

7. Lead with Humility:
* Jesus is the high priest, we are all members and co-laborers of the same body, not matter what role in the community you play.
* Treat everyone with same respect.

8. Lead in Your Strength:
* (Jesse's suggested reading: "Strengths Finder" by Tom Rath)
* Ask yourself, "Am I designed to do this?"; "Is that me?"
* If y ou're a hand and you're trying to be a nose, you're making us [the body] look ugly.
* Don't get sucked into the "model" template of what a worship team/band/sound should be; find what your strengths are in your team, and capitalize on them.

The point that is most sticky for me is that as worship leaders we need to be "Permission Givers"; giving people the permission to fully and actively participate in the liturgy to worship an inviting, loving and intimate God.

Peace and joy be with you in your ministry.

D, A, Bm, G -- Jesus Sing Through Me

This song was born by looping the With Or Without You (U2) chords at Amy's parents' farm in Oregon.  A few of us drove down there for a short relaxing vacation during the Memorial Day weekend in '08.  It was the second night and we were out on the porch jamming away when Irene came up with the melody and lyrics.

It does the soul good to get away from the busyness of weekly routines.

The pictures in the video were taken during a recording project for our friend Fr. Tom.