The first reading speaks to me, no, it screams at me! Telling me that God delights in me, He desires me, He holds me in His heart like a man his bride - that's not just a little light, that's fire!! This follows from last week where Fr Donald told us that through our baptism we are "the anointed" - priest, prophet and king - and BELOVED, in whom He is well pleased - His desire!
On the surface the song Presence sings of our desire for _His_ presence, but if you turn it around it goes for God's desire for our presence too - it works for a prelude song to call upon the Lord's presence in the liturgy.
For meditation, Miracle In You is prompted by the miracle at the wedding feast - that the Lord wants to make a miracle in all of us, so that we can be whole, and live life to the fullest. And so is the Gathering song inspired by the feast of the wedding table.
The second reading gives us the theme of we are many part, but all belong to one body, which are reflected in the Prep and Communion songs. Then we go forth acknowledging that God has chosen each one of us to use our individual gifts for the service of the body of Christ.
Prelude: Presence (Newsboys)
or My Desire (Jeremy Camp)
Psalm 96: Proclaim His Marvelous Deeds (Smith, Timothy R.)
Prep: We Are Many Parts (BB 591)
Communion: One Bread One Body (BB 358)
Mediation: Miracle in You (PS)
Sending: God Has Chosen Me (SS2 345)
See you at rehearsal!
- mars -
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